Created by Lytvynov Production
Project manager and scrum master
12 years of experience
Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Open to Remote
  • Open to Relocate
  • English (B2)
  • Ukranian (C1)
  • German (A1)
  • Russian (C1)
  • Master
    Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) Kharkiv University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine 2009 - 2014
Tech Stack
  • Product & Project Manager

    August 2023 - Present

    Lytvynov Production

    As a Project Manager, I excel in leading teams to success by meticulously managing every aspect of the project lifecycle. My responsibilities include creating detailed backlogs, organizing comprehensive documentation, and strategically planning sprints to ensure project milestones are met with precision. I thrive on fostering a collaborative environment through daily meetings, encouraging open communication, and aligning team efforts towards common goals. My role is pivotal in ensuring that projects are not only delivered on time but also exceed expectations in terms of quality and scope.

  • Technical Project Manager

    January 2023 - August 2023


    Team management, Process improvement, Communication between Engineering and Product teams, Reviewing and transferring knowledge about future features between Product and Engineering teams, Sprint planning, Risk management, Helping the team to prepare tickets for Grooming and future estimation 

  • Project Manager

    March 2022 - December 2022

    Team management, Process improvements, Communication between Engineering and Customer teams Release planning, Sprint planning, Risk management, Budgeting,  Resource planning, Client awareness of scope/budget/priority changes.

  • Product Coordinator

    September 2021 - March 2022

    Rallyware Inc, Ukraine

    Requirements validation;  Release planning; Communication between teams about deliverables; Product roadmap; Feature roadmaps; Process improvements. 

  • Project Manager

    August 2020 - April 2021

    NDA Company

    Team management; Working hours approval; Invoices and forecasting;  Organization of team buildings and other team activities;
    Optimisation of team’s workload; Communication with the client and sharing requirements with the business analyst;  People management;
    Meetings facilitation; Conflicts resolving.

  • Project Manager/Resource Coordinator

    March 2018 - May 2020

    Dev.Pro, Ukraine

    Managing all stages of development, Requirements clarification/ description, Reporting, planning, Decision-making, Negotiating and mediating, Support the product with new ideas, Retrospective and standup facilitation, People management, Stakeholder management,
    Conflicts resolving 

  • Web Researcher

    August 2015 - March 2018

    Dev.Pro, Ukraine

    Research on software solutions based on input requirements;- Software features comparison matrix;- Various reports preparation;- Statistics gathering; 
    Documents translation;- Analytical work;- Contact research;- Companies competitive research etc. 

  • Technical Project Manager

    March 0021 - September 2022

    Rallyware Inc, Ukraine

    Managing whole engineering team; 
    Provide process improvements;
    Communication and planning regarding to product needs and team’s capacity; 
    Communication with the Product and Customer Success teams to plan Engineering team’s work; 
    Working closely with product architect, Head of Engineering and CTO to improve global processes within the company. 

I’m good at learning new things, helping teammates to grow as professionals together, building relations with customers, clients, and within the team. My best skill is communication and building communication bridges between people so all parties could be satisfied working with each other. I can easily reach an understanding with anyone which makes me a good team player as well. Experience in managing up to 3 projects at once, from 6 to 29 people. Also I am a certified Scrum Master.

  • team player
  • ability to build and implement sophisticated plans
  • Experience to manage projects from scratch
  • A methodical and structured approach to problem-solving
  • Good problem-solving skills along with the ability to maintain calm under pressure; Good at multitasking, time management, and prioritization
  • Attention to details
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Strong communication and leadership skills
  • People management skills
  • Knowledge and experience in managing projects
  • Practical experience of written and oral communication with English-speaking clients

Professional Scrum Master with PSM I certificate
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Project manager and scrum master
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