Our Process

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The Quick introduction call

Understand the project perimeter and how we can help you

Expert opinion about the technical realization

Discuss the general plan of application, understand the difficulty, and define the technical stack

Find out Timelines & Deadlines

Introduction during the call


Create the Backlog with all detailed features the product owner wants to see in the product

Prioritize stories and divide on sprints

Time estimation and quantity of sprints(iterations of work)

Optimistic and pessimistic budgets

Wireframes & UX / UX

Team of experts

Plan application

Regular work

Regular iterative work by sprints(iterations)

Planning / Grooming - Once at the beginning of a sprint

Demo - share the results at the end of each cycle

Retrospective - at the end of iteration you can share your vision and give us feedback about the work and what we can improve.

Work by scrum


We can have regular releases (by sprint)

Or scheduled releases (once a month, at the end of all project work)

Further technical support

Get your perfect product
Remote advantages

Advantages to work fully remote with dedicated team

We see much more benefits but here are the key and principal benefits for you

  • You concentrate on your Business and not technical realization and difficulties
  • Your concurrents still pay 2-3 times more just because they hire developers locally and pay all local taxes
  • You don't spend TIME or MONEY on your HR department (we spend around 30-40 hours to find the right person)
  • You should not wait months for an ideal candidate, you start NOW
  • You don't care about illness
  • You don't care about holidays
  • You SAVE MONEY on PC cost
  • You SAVE MONEY on specialist education
  • You SAVE MONEY on specialist insurance
  • You SAVE MONEY on specialist transport
  • You SAVE MONEY on your office rent

We care about your product

Are you tired of spending time with the wrong people? useless communication? delivery with bugs? non-professional communication? lack of management?

We understand your pain and we want to make it easy and funny again.

At Lytvynov Production we always work hard to improve ourselves and simply our common work as productive as possible

Work formats

We love the Scrum methodology in the majority of our projects to ensure efficient collaboration and high-quality results. But on the same time our team is flexible to find the best and comfortable way for you 👐

Fixed contracts 🗒️

We understand the optimistic and pessimistic assessment of time and can give a clear estimate of the time and resources required to implement the tasks.

  • Clear perimeter of work
  • Planned user stories and strict deadlines
  • Regular demo and retrospectives

Time material 🕚

Sometimes at the preliminary stages it is simply impossible to adequately estimate the cost of the efforts that will be spent on developing a software product.

  • Flexible backlog, we can change priorities
  • Regular calls, all team available when you need
  • Pay as you go. We define the max budget.

Ready to do a call to find the solution?